Monthly Archives: October 2023

Abtin Esfandabadi presents: Embedded Narrative: Structure and Function

Please join us for the second PostProduction this academic year to hear Abtin present his research.

Embedded narrative has always been a unique way of storytelling that evokes a mysterious feeling in East literature. I have always wondered about the structure of the embedded narrative not only in Persian literature but also in Western literature like Neverending Story, where the reader is lost in the levels of the never-ending stories. This form of narration has constantly reminded me of the way of life: listening to our friends’ friendly chat about their problems or walking in the street and thinking about people’s private lives. Looking at the world as a living story, framing every individual’s story, untold and told stories entangled together to shape our worlds. In this session, I will explain the meaning of the embedded narrative and my first finding in my first case study, The One Thousand and One Nights, to see how embedded narrative helps the author tell his story and captivate the reader in the narrative levels. 

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